A Homemade Chef - Simply great food.

Before I found my passion for cake decorating, my family and friends knew me as a good cook! In fact, everybody thought that I should have pursued a carrier in catering. 

It's true I love cooking and baking but my real passion still remains in cake decorating, that is why I started with my cake bog first.

A Homemade Chef - Simply great food is my new blog.

(my mom always called me the - the home chef - it came to be my nick name eventually)

Last week I decided to start my food blog for a couple of reasons.

  1. It has been a few years now that I have been promising my family and friends to blog sharing some of my favorite recipes and treats they like.

  2. I usually send them the recipes in an email which circulates to so many that by the time I see the recipe again - there have been so many changes made ....! It's not mine anymore.

  3. My mom was a great cook and with her passing we also lost some really good recipes which made me and my sister realize that we wanted to save some of our favorites for our future generations. 

  4. Most importantly - for my mom who believed in me and always encouraged me to try new things, share what I know and never be afraid to try. 

 Well, you all know how passionate I am about cake decorating and as you can see I shared a lot of my cake tutorials with you this past year.

Now I hope you show me the same support and join me in my new blog and enjoy some of my tasty treat there too. Do share it with your friends too.

It's not all going to be fancy fancy all the time. I'm a working mother from home.

Some times my cakes take for ever to complete and so I have to go with some thing simple, quick and easy. While,

Some times I have enough time on my hands to treat my family to an elaborate and time consuming dish.. That's what I'm going to share with you.

So come along, and have fun with me.

My Food blog - A Homemade Chef - Simply great food.

Here's my Facebook Page - Please don't forget to Like and support there too.


If you haven't liked my Facebook Page for my Cake blog  - here's the link for that too.


Look forward to seeing you there.

Thanks for stopping by.


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