Vanilla and Chocolate Sheet Cake, Two flavors in one pan.

It's now becoming very popular that people want to have both Chocolate and Vanilla in the same pan. And why not, after all with so many people at a party there is bound to be some one that doesn't like the one you ordered.

 I call this my son's cake for two reasons.

One, he doesn't like Chocolate cake but every time he has to take cake for his class we have this argument that his classmates like chocolate cake but he like only vanilla. So he always tells me - you think it's possible that you can make one tiny corner of the cake vanilla mama?

Two, this starts off as a one bowl cake where he throws everything in and stirs it himself. He loves it very much and often takes it for his class mates.

Ingredients ( below I am making half the recipe)

Makes one 9x13 inch rectangular cake (sheet cake) about 1 1/2 inches tall.

440 grams / 4 cups Self Rising Cake Flour

2  tsp Baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

400 grams / 1 1/2  cup white sugar 

340 grams /  3 stick unsalted butter

5 large eggs

100 ml Milk

2 tsp Vanilla.

4 tbsp Coco powder


Preheat the oven to 170C/340 F

Remove 8 tbsp of flour aside and swift the rest with the baking powder and salt.

 Dissolve the 4 tbsp of coco powder in 4 tbsp of hot water.

You could do this the traditional way..

Cream the butter and sugar

Add one eggs at a time.

Next add the flour and milk mixture,

Add vanilla....

then see below ...from Divide the mixture.


You could do what my son does best...

Add all the ingredients to the bowl at the same time.

It's his favorite part! I do mama - I want to do mama!

See the smile...

He's making this to give his friends on the last day at the summer camp he attended the past 3 weeks.

Whisk well until all is well combined. 

Divide the mixture approximately into two bowls.

 To one bowl add 4 tbsp of the cake flour and mix well. (remember you removed 8 tbsp of flour in the beginning of the recipe) - This is your Vanilla batter

 To the second bowl add the coco mixture and mix well. this is your Chocolate batter

 To pour batter into the baking pan. I lift one side of the pan by placing a small plate or bowl under one side of the pan.

Pour the first batter.  It will rest on one side.

 Remove the bowl or plate from under the pan and pour the second batter.

Don't worry the mixture is quite dense so it won't spread quickly.

 Bake in the center of the oven at 170C for about 30 to 40 minutes - or until the skewer inserted into the center comes out clean.

Here's what my son did for his class mates.

He spread some Vanilla Buttercream over it. (he choose purple because it's my daughters favorite color)

We froze it for an hour and then cut  into squares and he sprinkled on some cupcake sprinkles.

He sure scored some points with his friends at summer camp.

Well, can you get a cake more easier than this? And trust me it's a favorite with kids... It's now becoming very popular as a sheet cake choice amongst customers too. 

Thanks for stopping by.


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